I am an American playwright, mostly writing satire and black comedies designed to poke holes in the moral and social hypocrisies that are rampant in American culture. My work was born of my own design and ambition, but forged in Independent and fringe theatre, as a result there are core values that I hold sacred. I honor time and talent the most precious gift anyone can give. I do square business with all I work with. I strive to entertain my audience and earn the respect of my colleagues. I am statement oriented and am always trying to provoke and speak at the same time.
I am autodidactic and my work is wrought from the experience of doing. I don’t place much stock on credentialed art and never define success by awards, accolades and money.
I don’t shy away from controversies, nor am I influenced by passing trends designed to control the language I use or the characters I choose to create. Good art is dangerous, and shouldn’t hesitate to bare its teeth. Good art tells a truth and is unafraid of how it might be received.
Making theatre is hard, even harder in the 21stcentury. Every day I am rejected, and reminded of how difficult it is to have a voice, and for that voice to be heard above the fray.
Every day I show up, and get to work. For if nothing else I am what I want to be in this world, and that is no small thing.